What is a puzzlehunt?
Puzzlehunts are events consisting of several puzzles, each with an answer. Puzzlehunts also contain metapuzzles, which require answers from other puzzles to solve.
For some examples, check out Puzzle Potluck, Teammate Hunt, or Galactic Puzzle Hunt.
What is a puzzle?
Puzzles are typically some form of information that require you to extract an answer out of. These puzzles differ from common puzzle types (e.g. jigsaw, crossword, sudoku) because their instructions may not be straightforward or present at all. Each puzzle’s answer is typically an English word or phrase.
Is the puzzlehunt free?
Yes! However, you can leave a tip at paypal.me/umdpuzzle or @UMDPuzzle (Venmo).
Do I need experience to enter?
No, we encourage any and all experience levels to participate!
How long will this take?
We expect experienced teams to finish the puzzlehunt on Saturday. We are aiming for UMD Puzzlehunt to be comparable in difficulty to Puzzle Potluck.
Is there a registration deadline?
No, you can register until the end of the hunt.
Who’s running the puzzlehunt?
UMD Puzzle Club, a team of puzzle writers and solvers. Five of us often compete in other puzzlehunts as “Duck Gizzards.”
I think there’s an error in this puzzle, or I have more questions, or I really need some help!
Feel free to email us at umdpuzzle@gmail.com or contact us through Facebook, Twitter